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Muscle Reboot - Reboutage

Muscle reboot method aims to put the fibers of the muscles back in place. Muscles dislodging could be the result of a fall, repetitive movements, a false movement, an unsuitable position, a sustained effort, knots or muscular contractures, tendonitis, chronic tiredness, torticollis, sciatica...

The session is similar to a massage of the concerned area, relieving pain and tension, reoxygenating the tissues and realigning the body. There are no sudden bone or joint manipulations.


  • Also suitable for children and seniors

  • Home session are possible on request.

  • Muscle reboot in no way replaces the advice or treatment of a doctor, osteopath or physiotherapist.

Duration: about 45 minutes, depending on the problematic, anamnesis included.

Cancellation: The deadline for cancelling a session is 24 hours in advance.
Any appointment not cancelled on time will be invoiced to you.

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